Sunday, 18 September 2011

In Process inspection

Ø Marker making : The following things should be check during marker making:
1)    First we have to check at every sizes of pattern are included or not in the marker.
2)    Then have to check the labeling or code of pattern are given rightly or not.
3)    We have to careful about the matching of  checks or stripes at the time of  marker making.
4)    We have to careful about grain line of fabric.
5)   We have to place the pattern in this way as if the cutting machine can be move freely.                                                                                                                                                                                            
Ø Fabric spreading: The following points should be check during fabric spreading:
1)    We have to check in every spread the ply number of fabric is ok or not.
2)    The direction of  fabric have to the right angle with spreading.
3)    During spreading we have to careful about the checks or stripe should be match.
4)    The tension of fabric should be kept constant.
Ø Fabric cutting: The following points should be check during fabric cutting:
1)    The cutting end of fabric should be plain.
2)    We have to careful about the joining between two ends due to fusion at the time of cutting.
3)    We have to check the notch is cutter rightly or not.
4)    The drill hole has to be in right place at right size.
Ø Fabric Sewing: The following points should be checked during sewing:
a)     Sewing defect:
1)    Needle damage
2)    Skipped stitch
3)    Thread breaks
4)    Wrong stitch density
5)    Seam pucker
6)    Uneven stitch
7)    Improperly formed stitch
b)   Seaming defect:
1)   Wrong  inlay
2)   Twisting
3)   Wrong stitch line
4)   Un match of seam
5)   Wrong or ununiform sewing line.
6)   Wrong stitch secure.
7)   Unmatchimg check or stripe.
8)   Not seam matching.
9)   Wrong shade matching
c)    Assembly defect:
1)   Wrong size of apparel
2)   Wrong size and shape of finished component
3)   If lining is much loose or much tight.
4)   Uneven Shedding.
5)   Uneven interlining.
D) Pressing or finishing: the object of pressing or finishing is to make the apparel looks beautiful. Some points should be included in terms of finishing:
1.    Have any spot or burn spot in the fabric?
2.    Water spot.
3.    Shading difference.
4.    Braking of button or chain.
5.    Have any fold or fold in the exact position?
6.    Have any stretch in fabric during pressing?
7.    Exact position of pocket.
8.    The shape of the garments.
During pressing the temperature, pressure and pressing cycle should be inspected.

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