Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Some definition

Needle loop: 
The upper part of the loop produce by the needle drawing the yarn is called as needle loop.
Sinker loop:
The lower part of the knitted loop is technically referred as sinker loop. It is the connection of tow legs belonging to the neighboring stitches lying laterally

Over lap:
The term refers mainly to warp knitting. Lateral movements of the guide bars on the font side (or hook side) of the needle is called over lap. This movements is normally restricted to one needle space.

Under lap:
This terms also refers to warp knitting. Lateral movement of the guide bars at the backside of the needle is called under lap. This movement related to the needle space is variable according to the construction of the fabric.

Open lap:
An open lap is produce either when the under lap is the same direction as the overlap ,or it is omitted so that the next overlap commences from the space where the previous overlap finished. Closed lap are heavier ,more compact ,opaque and less extensible than open laps produced from the same yarn and a comparable knitting quality.
Closed lap: 
Closed lap is produced when an under lap follows in the opposite direction to the overlap and thus laps the thread around both sides of the needles.

Knitted stitch: A knitted loop stitch is produced when at each yarn feed, a needle receives a new loop and knocks –over the old loop which is held from the previous knitting cycle, so that the old loop now becomes a needle loop of normal configuration .

Face loop stitch: The face loop stitch which is also called a miss or float or welt stitch is a variation of the basic loop structure. It is created in the fabric when a needle is in active. The previous loop is held with  in the hook, The yarn fed from the yarn carrier fails to reach the needle and so skips over it.    

Selvedge Fabric:
A selvedge fabric is one  having a “self edge” to it and can only be produced on machines whose yarn reciprocates backwards and forwards across the needle the needle bed so that a selvedge is formed as the yarn rises up to the next course at the edge of the fabric.

Cut edge fabric:
Cut edge fabric usually produced by slitting open a tube of fabric produced on a circular machine. A slite tube of fabric from a 30” diameter machine will have an open width of 94”(∏d) at knitting & before relaxation.

Tubular Fabric:
This may be produced in double faced or single faced structures on circular machine, or in a single faced from on a straight machines with two sets of needles provided each needle set only knits at alternate cycles and that the yarn only passed across from one needle bed to other at the two selvedge needles at each end ,thus closing the edges of the tube by joining the two single faced fabrics produced on each needle set together.

Knitting notation
knitting notation is a simple, easily-understood, symbolic representation of a knitting repeat sequence and its resultant fabric structure that eliminates the need for time-consuming and possibly confusing sketches and written descriptions.

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