Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Steps to be taken while changing the length & hank of the lap

Lap Hank= lap length in hanks/weight in lbs.
To change lap hank, the feeding to the sctucher is altered by following methods.
i)     feed roller speed is changed by altering the position   of the cone drum belt by trial & errer method to bring the required Lap weight   & lap hank.

ii)   front sheet & back sheet position of the reserve box of    theHopper feeder & swing door position is altered i.e. weight/unit length   fed to scutcher is altered depending on the required   lap hank.    For  example,    to get more wt/ yard of   lap front   sheet should be moved forward, to increase the volume of the reserve box to get heavier lap.

 iii) in automatic scutcher, press button switches are provided for the regulation of the lap weight per yard and lap hank through a servomoter on the P.I.V. drive . The current postion of the PIV drive and the degree of regulation are clearly indicated   on a scale.    It is possible to determine    the    optimum

Setting very quickly in case of lap hank change overs. In case of automated scutcher, only the basic lap weight per yard is set by using the corresponding press button switches. All adjusments are automatically carried out by the lap weigher.

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